Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fitness and Exercise Tuesday

Hey yall!! So it is Tuesday and I have been contemplating on what to write and I seen this awesome link up with Katie and wallah I had something to post.
So in yesterday's post I mentioned how I started a game on diet bet read here!
I am super excited so I got an email as to how it works and you have to send pictures of you on the scale and then a picture of a digital scale with your weight and a code word. 
Ok so 180.8 is my starting weight and my goal is to lose 4% of my starting weight which is approximately about 8 pounds.  Doesn't sound like a lot but if I can do this I will be ecstatic!!! It will be awesome!! I have been stuck at this week for a long time but I have realized I have put forth very little effort to achieve anything.  So to accomplish this goal I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred! You do level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days and level 3 for 10 days and they are 20 minute sessions. Sounds easy right.......WRONG! Ok maybe for some that are in a lot better shape than me but not for me.  But, alas I perservered and I completed the entire thing and I worked it into my busy day.  I had to lock the door in my bedroom while the kids beat on the door like everyone was dying (which they weren't by the way). There wasn't any blood loss or broken bones.
Here is a picture of me after it may not look like i was sweating balls but trust me I was sweating balls!! I am really proud of myself it is an accomplishment just to work this into my day! Have any of you out there tried Jillian's 30 day shred? What were your results and were you happy with them?  Did you add anything to the workout?
When I woke up this morning I was S-O-R-E!!!! I felt like I had been benchpressing a baby elephant!! But it was an awesome accomplished sore!
So stay tuned on my progress and I am gonna cross my fingers that I lose my 8 pounds.
PS: Don't forget to follow my blog! :)
Love Ya Mean It.
Heather XOXO


  1. Jillian scares the hell out of me! ha! My sister gets on me when we run and I call her my Jillian. I'm sure that workout will do great! Keep it up and let us know!

    1. I know I was calling her the DEVIL and Evil by the end of the workout! Thanks for commenting!

  2. Congratulations on making the commitment to lose. You are doing great!!

    Stopping by from KTJ Weighing in!
    Take care,
    @Notions from Nonny

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the encouragement!

  3. I'm excited you are doing the dietbet with us! You are doing an amazing job with exercise so far, keep it up! Thanks for linking up "_

  4. Great job. Jillian scares me! Keep up the good work!

  5. way to go on The Shred! I have done that workout a million times but I can never seem to do it 30 days in a row. :)

    1. I am crossing my fingers that I will make it!!! That will be another goal I have met!

  6. Haha, Heather you make me laugh! I've done the Shred a few times and OWWWW!! But isn't it a great workout???

    1. Yes it really is and you really feel like you have done something!!! Thanks for commenting!!!


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