Friday, April 19, 2013

High Five for Friday....

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Hey-lo so today I am doing the link up with Lauren Elizabeth & Katie. Check them out!  Just a link up to reflect on your week and remember some of the favorite things about it!!
1. I actually worked out everyday this week NO EXCUSES

2. Even though I worked out everyday this week so what if I had a second helping of shirmp alfredo

3. I let my family eat cereal for dinner.  I think this is awesome. Cereal is the BOMB!

4. Spent some extra mom & daughter time with kiddo's playing outside in the sandbox instead of doing laundry. :)

5. Went to the store on Wednesday with the intention of buying only one thing (toothpaste) and ended up buying some fab shoes and nailpolish!

So gonna try this I love Minnie Mouse!
So there you have it 5 fab things about my week. 
On the weekend front....
Gonna have a non fab garage sale and clean out my garage party tomorrow. Everything goes!!! We are moving and don't want to have to move all of the stuff that I haven't touched in 6 months or more. My daughter talked me into letting her have a sleepover this weekend. Yes I am out of my mind! So hopefully we will get some stuff accomplished and it will be a totes awesome weekend!
Love Ya Mean It....

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from the blog hop at:

    good job on working out all this week!!!
    and if i could eat cereal at EVERY meal i would! LoL


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