Friday, April 26, 2013

Staycation Day One

Hello my peeps!  So today was the first day of my staycation! Woot woot!  To say that I am excited is a understatement.  I haven't had any type of vaction in sooooo long!  

So today I got all of my little cleaning stuff done and laundry so that I have the rest of the week as me time.  Then I headed to a baby shower. It was so cute and the food was smelling awesome and there was cake. But I will say I was proud of myself I stuck to the fresh fruit and a few crackers and avoided the cake.  Woo hoo I so wanted some of that cake with the buttercream icing.  It was just calling me Heather....Oh Heather!!! But yay me I resisted.  

My mother in law flew in today we went and picked her up from the airport.  The kids were so excited to see her and the first thing she said was Damn it's hot! LOL she is from Missouri where she said they were wearing jackets when they left there today!  

Zoe said grandma when we get home will you play with bubbles with me cause I have to show you how awesome of a bubble blower I am!  LOL it was cute!


So tomorrow will be a busy day.  Birthday shopping for Zoe.  Cupcake making, decoration getting, gift shopping day!  Whew should be fun though.  Hope ya'll's Saturday is supercalafragilisticexpealidosious!!!!

Love You Mean it.....

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday.....My Friday!!!

Well chicky's we finally made it to Friday Eve!!! However today is my Friday HOLLA!!!  Today was  definitely better than yesterday Thank You Jesus!!!  I have come to grips with not getting on the scale which is a big step for me but I almost feel relieved.  The scale has been like a ball and chain around my ass! So it's refreshing to know that I won't be getting on it for a few more days.  Depending on how I feel about it I might not get on it for longer than that.  I will no longer let the scale define who I am now or who I am striving to become!!  Ok enough of screaming from my soap box.

So tomorrow we are going to pick my mother in law up at the airport and I am totes excited.  I know it sounds weird but I truly love my MIL she is awesome and we plan on having an awesome time.  Zoe (my youngest) turns 3 next week and we will be having an party for her on Sunday complete with bounce house & horse shoes.  So stay tuned for party pics!

I plan on hanging out at the beach everyday I can over the next week and catching some rays.  This is very exciting to me  because even though I live 15 minutes from the beach I never get to go. Probably because I have been ashamed of my body and have had no desire to show it off.  Now don't get me wrong I am not going to be strutting my bikini yet.  You noticed I said yet.  This is a big step for me I have NEVER liked myself in a bathing suit EVER.  I am feeling better about myself than I ever have. I feel like I am learning to get fit and I am realizing I don't want to just settle.  I want to work hard to get to where I want to be.  I have made it further this time than I ever have.  So even though I am going to chunky dunk it at the beach I am going to be proud of what I have already accomplished looking at the good instead of how much I have yet to lose.  Plus we all look better with a tan am I right?

I want to give a shout out to all my followers I am very excited and I hope to keep you thouroughly entertained! Thanks for letting me bend your ears!

Love Ya Mean it!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Happy Hump Day womp womp!!  So today I am linking up with Erin & Alex for Weigh In Wednesday!  Both these chicks are awesome they really inspire me if you haven't check em out!
So lets be real I really wanted to call it Wreck-It Wednesday!! The reason being is that when I stepped on the scale it was STILL the same 177.4. I wanted to bust my scale with a hammer.  Ok so I know you all are rolling your eyes saying what in the hell is she upset about?!?! It may not be a loss but it wasn't a gain either was it? And in theory that is all true but the heart of the matter is I have busted my ASSES (yes I have a big one and sometimes mistaken for multiple) exercising and have tried to stick to the diet fairly well! So this week I have vowed to stay away from the scale.  I acutally feel thinner and I feel like my clothes are looser so that is a WIW victory to me.  It will be difficult to not weigh I thought that the scale would actually motivate me but I think it actually hinders my progress. It doesn't take into account how I actually feel so I vow to not step on my scale until next Wednesday and see if that makes a difference in my overall weightloss attitude.  Let's call it weightitude we all have it the one where we are telling everyone we see about our victories or the the one where we are hiding from everyone that we know will ask about our progress.  So I have decide to own my weightitude and to not settle but we happy with the progress I have made.
So on another note tonight is date night again with the hubs! Woohoo I always look forward to us time.  Also tomorrow is my FRIDAY!! Hellz to the Yeah! I will be on vacation all next week! Stay tuned for some awesome beach and fruity drink with umbrella pictures! My little girl turns 3 next week and we are having a birthday party for her on Sunday complete with a bounce house for kids and horse shoes for us adults along with some adult beverages!
Love you Guys Mean It....

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tough Tuesday!

Hey ya'll! It is officially Terrible Tuesday for me! I know that is exactly what you all want to see me post about, but it has just been one of those days. 
My kids just whined and cried this morning (God love em) everything I asked them to do I got the eye roll or the I don't want to! 
My husband seemed to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. He said he just felt irritated and didn't know why.  I wanted to say well join the club.  I love him to death but GEEZ! I don't know about you guys but I am not allowed to have a bad day!  He just seems to be picking at everything the kids do today.  UGH!
Work has been somewhat of a disaster.  At work I had to spend most of my day babysitting an employee who was reported for suspicion of drug use so we had to do a random test. She couldn't go alone and I had to spend the entire day with her in the lobby of the lab while she drank tons of water and could never go!!!
OK so now it is 4:00 PM and I am in the mood to just go home and go to bed, but I need to do day 7 of level 2 of the 30 Day Shred!! I am just not sure I am in the mood to have JM scream at me! Maybe I will scream back!
Ok enough venting WOOOSAAA!!  So right now I am going to take a breathe and refocus myself and hopefully my family has gotten better attitudes when I get home. 
On a happier excited note. I will be on Vacation starting FRIDAY!! WOOHOOO!! I am super excited! I haven't been on vacation in so long! We aren't doing a whole lot but I plan to spend everyday I can at the beach. Gonna get my tan on! I look like casper right now.  Scary thought I know!
So here is to looking forward to lazy days at the beach with a book and maybe even a fruity drink with an umbrella in it and to a better tomorrow!
Love You Guys Mean IT....

Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Recap!

Hey my fellow bloggers!! Hope everyone had a fantabulous weekend.  Mine was not very eventful but we got a lot of stuff accomplished.  We are moving into a bigger house around May 11th and I am super excited but my garage was extremely full of crap that I haven't looked at in like 2 years.  So the hubs and I set out on the impossible  possible task of going thru everything and either trashing it or giving it to Goodwill.  So we got up at the butt crack of dawn and it was so fricken HOT!! I literally looked like I peed my pants and felt like I smelled really bad! After we made numerous trips to Goodwill and the dump we could finally see the bottem of our garage.  We did this most of the day Saturday.  I had all kinds of intentions of exercising but after sweating balls all day in the sauna of a garage I was like NO FREAKIN WAY!!
To top it off I was starving!! Which is not always a good thing because I tend to overeat when I am starving! I did OK not great I had a burritto and a hot pocket. Oh yeah we were grocery poor too so I was out of all my healthy stuff! Can I say that they were both the bomb diggety!! Lots of salsa to go with them!! Yummy!
Later after dinner the hubs and I had intentions of having a movie night and we picked out a few I was so excited the girls were at their dads and the little one had already passed out for the night.  Guess what.....didn't happen I couldn't have stayed awake to save my life!!! I felt bad but if someone had held a gun to my head I couldn't have stayed awake.
Sunday was laundry and grocery day!! Yay two of the things I love  hate to do the most!!  We shopped and spend way more than I wanted to and then we did laundry the rest of the day. 
I know that all sounds so very exciting to you all!!
So today is Monday and I am back on the healthy clean eating and exercise wagon!! I only have a week left on my diet bet so I have to really buckle down.  We are also having company come in on Friday and will be here a week.  It is really going to be a struggle to continue to eat good. These are people that like to FRY everything!
Do you guys have any tips on how to eat out and eat healthy or how to eat healthy when you have company?
Love Ya Mean IT.....

Friday, April 19, 2013

High Five for Friday....

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Hey-lo so today I am doing the link up with Lauren Elizabeth & Katie. Check them out!  Just a link up to reflect on your week and remember some of the favorite things about it!!
1. I actually worked out everyday this week NO EXCUSES

2. Even though I worked out everyday this week so what if I had a second helping of shirmp alfredo

3. I let my family eat cereal for dinner.  I think this is awesome. Cereal is the BOMB!

4. Spent some extra mom & daughter time with kiddo's playing outside in the sandbox instead of doing laundry. :)

5. Went to the store on Wednesday with the intention of buying only one thing (toothpaste) and ended up buying some fab shoes and nailpolish!

So gonna try this I love Minnie Mouse!
So there you have it 5 fab things about my week. 
On the weekend front....
Gonna have a non fab garage sale and clean out my garage party tomorrow. Everything goes!!! We are moving and don't want to have to move all of the stuff that I haven't touched in 6 months or more. My daughter talked me into letting her have a sleepover this weekend. Yes I am out of my mind! So hopefully we will get some stuff accomplished and it will be a totes awesome weekend!
Love Ya Mean It....

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finish the Sentence with Jack & Holly

Hey all today I am doing the Finish the Sentence Linkup with Jake & Holly....
1. I laughed so hard I cried when... my mother-n-law had a little too much to drink at our wedding reception and she took her teeth out and was trying to kiss (gum) everyone.  Yes she went there.
2. My high school...years were awesome but I was a band geek but we had the best group of friends and this one time at band camp.....
3. It really pisses me off... how nasty women's public restrooms are....I just don't understand how we women can be sooo nasty you guys know what I am talking about.
4. In ten years... my youngest will be 13 holy cow and I will still be dealing with a teenager I am working on being that MILF I know I can be. 
5. If I could erase one thing... would have been to wait to get married at 19.  I know at the time no one could have told me different but I see now how foolish it was.
6. In 1999...  My first child was 1 and I was totally still rocking the big hair do.  Curly lion mane and all, hug ass bangs.
7. Honestly... Can't we all just get along. In light of the recent boston tragedy just wish we could all just get along and not live in fear and worry.
8. To me, Sushi... is scary looking sometimes but AWESOME!!
9. Someone really needs to invent...a handheld fat vacuum that we can use at home and just get rid of that unwanted underarm fat.  Am I right we all could use a little less flap. 
10. The first time I drank alcohol... I was 15 and my mom and dad left us with my uncle and he fell asleep and me and my friend took a bottle of Boons Farm lol and drank too cups and felt SICK and puked everywhere LOL. And No it didn't keep up from doing it again.
11. The one question I would ask God is... why do you have to take those so young.
12. Lindsay Lohan... needs to eat some carbs!

So there you go! Hope everyone has a great Friday eve!
Love Ya Mean It....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday

Happy Hump Day everybody! I honestly don't have a whole lot to post today. I weighed in this morning with a loss of an additional .6 pounds LOL I am now down to 177.4.  Woohoo now this might not seem like much to you but this is freaking amazeballs to me!! I have been stuck at 178 FOREVER!!! So maybe I am on my way to more lossage?  Is that a work hell who cares it is to me.  So this morning around 4:30 am I get but lazy ass outta bed and decide to bust out Day 3 Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred.  I don't know if that was brilliant or stupid.  Which by the way it is possible to yawn and exercise at the same time its called muti-tasking.  So anyways that outta the way I have the rest of the day for everything else. I have been feeling pretty good that I haven't given up.  The 30 DS is tough to me now it may be just because I am uber out of shape but I sweat balls profusely every time and afterward I feel awesome like I have really done something.
So the next few weeks are going to be crazy and packed with company, we are moving into a bigger house and I am totes excited, but that means packing and I am not totes excited about that.  My youngest will turn 3 in a couple of weeks I can't believe it. I don't know where time has gone.  Maybe I should feel old but I keep telling myself you don't get old you get better.  Tonight is bowling night with the hubs so I am super excited about that.  I hope I do well but better yet just want to have a good time.  :)
On a blogging note topic whatev you want to call it.  How do you all prepare for what you are going to write(post). Do you just sit down on they day and bust out a post or do you all prepare ahead of time? What do you use as inspiration? 
Everyone have a great hump day love ya mean it!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Link UP & Boston

It's Tuesday Y'all, I couldn't even bring myself to write Happy Tuesday because like everyone else in the nation we are mourning and saddened by the tragedy in Boston. I won't pretend that I am a runner or a person that will be running a marathon anytime soon but I am an American and my heart really hurts for those people and their families who has been affected by this truly senseless tragedy.  I am really scared for my children's future. For the thought of not even being able to watch or be a part of an event that should be an innocent gathering of families and friends.  I just think all we can do is get on our knees and pray.
On the exercise and fitness note I am on level 2 of JM 30 Day Shred and let me just say it is a love hate relationship!! I hate the work out itself I am not good with all the planking and I probably look like a hippo with a broke leg doing all the exercises.  When I am done however I feel empowered and I feel really good about sticking with it and completing it because I can tell you half way through it I just really REALLY want to quit.  I sweat major bullets the entire time and when I am done I feel like I just rocked that shit. I guess that is how outta shape I am but as hard as it is and as tired as I feel I also feel some pride in myself. Proud that I didn't give up and I continued, proud that I am at least feeling results maybe not scale results but I am noticing a change in my clothes which is AWESOME!! There is nothing worse then not feeling comfortable in your clothes. 
I only have 15 more days left on my diet bet and I have to lose 3.8 more pounds.  I don't know if I will be able to accomplish it but I can tell you it has kept me motivated and has kept my goal in the forefront of my mind. 
We have a pretty eventful next few weeks coming up.  My mother-n-law is coming to visit and maybe most not be excited about this but I love her and we always have a great time. Then a week after she leaves we are moving, which I hate by the way.  But, I am excited because the house we are moving too is bigger and has a lot more room, we have outgrown the house we are in so it will be nice to have a little breathing room. 
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
Love Ya Mean It...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Recap & Hubby Jacks Giveaway!!

Hey all well another weekend has come and gone to fast I might add it seems like it was just Monday yesterday.  So anywho the weekend was busy and full of a lot of driving.  On Saturday we got up bright and early my middle child Melayna had a bowling tournament in Fort Lauderdale.  Which is awesome and I was so excited for her but I wasn't however excited about the driving and the weather was supposed to be crummy but it ended up being an ok day just a little overcast.  Also Zoe (she is 2) is not a good car rider she is very impatient and has a tons of energy so needless to say I spent a lot of the ride trying to entertain her. We got to the bowling center about 11:00 am and checked in and got seats which was a miracle seats are like gold at these things and you have to practically beat people to get one but we ended up pretty luck and got a whole table to ourselves. Here are some pictures I took of us waiting to start and then of Melayna bowling.
She did really well she had to bowl 4 games and her average is about 93 she bowled 120, 129, 139 & 149.  Weird I know that they were all in order like that but we were super proud of her. Needless to say Zoe couldn't hang and even though there were pins and balls being thrown around everywhere and it was super loud she gave it up!
So that ended about 3 and we decided since we were here we wanted to get a late lunch/dinner and maybe do a little shopping. The hubs wanted to go to The Bass Pro Shop here in Fort Lauderdale.  I don't know if any of you have ever been to one of these but they are huge and he can spend HOURS here but they had a restaurant and it was super yummy!!! I probably didn't stick to my diet very well but all in all I didn't do too bad. I had a grouper rueben which was super yummy and some ranch flavored potato wedges!! Here was the awesome fish tank that we got to look at while we were eating the kids were like obsessed with it!
After we stuffed ourselves we decided to do some shopping.  The hubs got a swamp people shirt (love this show) and the girls got some really cute stuffed animals. I was in need of a new pair of sunglasses mine actually broke on Friday so I invested in these awesome pink realtree sunglasses.  They were a little pricey but what the hell you only live once right?

So needless to say by the time we spent the cash got back in the car and headed home it was about 9:30.  Everyone was exhausted we didn't waste too much time and went right to bed. 
Sunday was a very uneventful day I did talk the hubs into going to the grocery store for me!! Which was AWESOME!! We just hung out cleaned and did a whole lot of nothing. Oh yeah we did get caught up on Duck Dynasty which I am in love with!! If you haven't watched it you should!!
 On another note Hubby Jack is doing a give away!! Please click on the button above and vote for me! I am in need of a blog makeover and the one with the most votes wins. SO yes I am begging for votes!!!

Also don't foget to follow my blog!!
Thanks yall have a great week love ya mean it!!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Freakin Friday Finally!!!

Hey yall!!!  We finally made it to Friday.  It has been a week of good and bads.  I feel like I am getting closer to my girls and my husband and I have made some awesome progress in our marriage.  We have been discussing things without fighting that other wise in the past would have ended in a big blow up.  I consider those things huge successes in my life.  I was thinking as to maybe why this is and I really think it has to do with my self image.  Granted I have a looooooong way to go and a lot to accomplish but I have come a long way in the last month or so and I feel better about me. So maybe it is true that when you feel better about you self when problems or troubles arise you are able to look at them a little more calmly than if you have those things on your mind.  Plus I think that working out gives me that ME time that I need.  I don't have a lot it seems that we are ALWAYS on the go with the kids or work or whatever.  So I feel like when I am sweating it out I have to reflect wether it be on being a better mom or wife.  

On the weekend horizon we will be headed to Fort Lauderdale tomorrow.  Melayna has a bowling tournament and we plan to totally do some shopping at the awesome Sawgrass Mills Mall holla!!!! I am super excited.  Spending time with my girls and maybe even an lunch at an awesome fancy smancy restaurant!  Then tomorrow night the hubs and I will be having a little us time. The rents have agreed to watch the kids and the kids are super excited. I am looking forward to a little us time we don't get that much and I know in previous posts I have complained about him but even though we have our ups and downs I love him dearly.

Also tomorrow I start Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred Holla! I have made it through the first level and I still have the desire to continue.  That is a huge accomplish for me.  It is tough for me sometimes and I am easily talked out of stuff like oh I can work out later right now I will do........what?!? So I have realized that there are NO EXCUSES!!! If you want it bad enough you will do it!!!!

Just wanted to give a shout out to those that are following my blog!!! You guys are totes AWESOME!!

I leave you with this quote!!!

Love You Mean It..........

Thursday, April 11, 2013

NSV Link Up!

It's totes Thursday ladies woohoo!  Today I am doing Non-Scale Victories Linkup with Lex & Katie! These girls are awesome by the way click on the above links to check them out. 
Ok so non-scale victories. I feel like sometimes when I sit down to write (especially after reading some awesome blogs) that my life is pretty boring & normal. So I will try to keep you captivated through my entire post! As you have read on here before I have 3 kiddies (girls) so you know that it is TND (Total Nonstop Drama) 24-7 here at my house.  One of the things I have been trying to do is along with getting healthy incorporate more health wise activities for the kids.  I used to rush home rush in the door get started on laundry, dinner etc because I just wanted to get it done and relax.  I realized not to long ago my kids are growing so fast and one day I am going to look back and say where did all the time go and I want them to remember their child hood as a happy time.  So this week I decided that I was going to come in the door and spend an hour doing something that they wanted to do.  Of course being that there is 3 of them I will have to take turns since they range from 2 (almost 3 May 1st) to 15.  So Monday when I came home I decided ok lets go outside and do something. They all looked at me like I had 3 heads. My middle child said really and go the biggest smile on her face. We just spend the hour out in the yard the youngest one on the swing set and me and the middle one and my oldest talking and laughing and reading(they are bookworms).  Tuesday and Wednesday were much the same and last night my middle daughter said to me mom you may not be smaller yet but I am liking this healthy you! That made me feel so good. So even if the scale doesn't reflect a loss this week I know I have been victorious because my kids are happy with the new and improved MOM!
I will leave you on a funny note here are some things I came across this week that cracked me up!
Ok I know hotdogs aren't great for you but lets face it hotdogs and hamburgers are a summer time staple so I found this hot dog slicer for my 2 year old with a ketchup (or any condiment) holder on the front! Loved it and I had to have it so cute!!
Yes you aren't seeing things that's right those are condoms.  Brief side note I work at the county Health Department and we are rolling out a new campaign (Safe Sex & All) and these are the new condom packets.  I almost died when I seen them.  There were more but these two killed me. 
Hope everyone has a great Friday Eve!!  Love Ya Mean It....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday.......

 Happy Hump Day!!! Well we are half way there to the weekend.  Today I am doing Weigh-In Wednesday with Erin & Alex.  All in all it has been a decent week.  I was able to get my sweat on Monday and Tuesday after work and then I got up at 5AM (that's right it is possible to get your sweat on by yawning).  So I am pretty proud of myself this week in th exercise department.  I will say I am loving the 30 day shred and am looking forward to moving on to level 2 on Saturday.  Any of you awesome bloggers out there doing this?  Are you adding any additional stuff to this work out cardio, weights etc?

So in the weigh in department I am down to 178.2, which is about 2.4 pounds total since I started the diet bet I am considering a win since it is that TOTM! I definitely can tell a difference in my clothes and I have more energy and just have a better outlook in general.  This is amazing to me that as good as I feel right now and I haven't really lost a lot that I in the past haven't stuck to what I am doing results or not.  I have been trying to drink more water. I usually drink a lot of soda even though it is diet I know that is not good for you.  I discoverd the Walmart brand of Mio and they have some great flavors.  I prefer the Cherry Limeade & Strawberry Kiwi.  Definitely makes getting my drink on easier. 

I also decided to eat a little more protein. I have been doing protein shakes for breakfast & lunch (I am using Visalus which is the shake mix that taste like cake mix) and I am doing pretty good but I added a homemade protein bar.  It is yummy!  It is 1 Cup high protein peanut butter, 1/2 cup honey, 3 scoops of protein & 1 Cup regular plain oats.  You just melt pb & honey and then mix protein & oats and spread it out on wax paper and then refridgerate.  It is yummy it you don't have to eat a lot and it is very feeling and it tastes like a treat!!

On the home front it is report card time here and I am pretty proud momma straight A's for Melayna and A's & B's for Erica.  Also we are preparing Zoe to go to a regular daycare.  Needless to stay she has stayed with family and is getting where she doesn't understand sharing etc.  So we decided that it is time to realize she has to interact with other kids.  She will be 3 May 1st and is not potty trained I have tried everything and she is just not having it.  I am also hoping that going to daycare and seeing other kids will help this along.  She told me this morning I had to take this picture of her and post it on my puter.  LOL so I will leave you with that. 

PSSST Hey you looking at my blog Thanks!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Disease I Have.....

Well we made it to Tuesday all and thank goodness yesterday was a tough day all around at home, work and everything in between.  We are having a mass exodus at work.  I guess the economy is getting a little better because people seem to be moving on.  So anyways that is not necessarily bad just makes coverage at work tough. I remember thinking man I wish I was confident enough to go out on a limb for a new job without any worries.
So anyways I got thru the day and got home and it is choas my youngest Zoe (she is two) she busted her lip at daycare so drama there and my middle one Melayna (she is nine)  she got her report card (all A's by the way) but she was upset because one went down from an A+ to an A and my oldest Erica (she is fifteen) she is just being kind mopey and quiet not really saying anything.  So once I deal with the immediate drama AKA Mom's ER & Condolences on the A (not A+) I decide ok I need to work out release some tension. Which by the way I was doing day #7 of the 30 day shred and I will say it seems to be getting easier.  Woohoo yay me!!
So anyways I am getting ready to go get my sweat on and I notice my oldest is just kinda blah and sad so I say to her why don't you come work out with me?  Now as I am saying this I am thinking yeah right she is 15 and lazy and only cares about hanging out with her friends and twitter and she looks at me as says OK!!! WHAT....needless to say I am shocked but elated.  So we go exercise and believe it or not she keeps up and we are having a pretty good time sweating it out together. I am just enjoying spending quality time with my daughter (which by the way lately seems few and far between).  So anyways we are sitting there stretching and she says to me I will never be as perfect as those girls on that video mom now this broke my heart.  Now this is not a child who usually has a self esteem issue or so I thought. We talked a little bit about it and I told her that she was her own person and not those girls and that she just needed to be the best she could be and be happy with herself. She seemed satisfied and went on with the night. 
As I was laying in bed later and got to thinking about my daughter's comment which was weighing heavy on my mind and I realized that we all have that disease called PERFECTION!  I know my strive for perfection flairs up on a daily basis.  I think sometimes it is mistaken for jealousy.  I know daily I feel tons of pressure to feel perfectly happy, perfectly functional and perfectly figured.  I want my marriage to be awesome and perfect.  I want my kids to be perfect and make the grade.  I see others in my life and I think if I could have what they have or if my husband could be a little more like that person then my life would be perfect.  I could go on this is just a small piece of the disease I have called perfection. The good news is I believe there is a cure.  I think the cure is just to be real and give ourselves a big huge reality check.
Here are some things that I said to myself to give myself a wake up call.....
Heather, you aren't the only one that feels worthless sometimes.
Heather, you aren't the only one that took your frustrations out on your children today.
Heather, you aren't the only one in this world that isn't making enough to support the lifestyle we want.
Heather, you aren't the only one that sometimes says things that hurt people.
Heather, you aren't the only one that hates your body sometimes.
Heather, you aren't the only one that can't control herself around food.
Ok you get the picture.  I just realized in that instant that I just need to be honest with who I am and all thing will fall into place.  I want my children to have the confidence to be REAL and HONEST see that no one is PERFECT.  In retrospect my child taught me something today.  I wonder what else I will learn when I slow down and listen and be ME.  So starting today I am going to live my life instead of trying to PERFECT my life.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up....

Well another fast and filled up weekend and before we know it is freakin Monday morning again!!! Didn't we just do this like 7 days ago?!?!?  So anywho it was a fairly busy but uneventful weekend. 
 So I am a notary and a friend of mine that I work with asked me if I would marry her. OK not her and I get married ok you get the just of it anyways. So the wedding is Saturday evening around like 5 at the beach.  So Friday night her, I and her finace got together over drinks and we rehersed ok maybe we rehersed drinking margarita's but we rehersed.  So once she felt comfortable with what all was happening we parted ways I told her to rest up and I would see her tomorrow night.  So I went home and was gonna clean my house and do laundry but the margarita's and my body had another idea.  I did however attempt to do day #5 of the 30 day shred.  Intoxicated exercising yes I went there.  I wasn't really drunk just feeling pretty relaxed. 
So Saturday morning I get up at the but crack of dawn I have an 8:15 eye appointment. Note to self don't plan early appointments when you will be relaxing in Margaritaville the night before.  So I make it there and the good news is my eyes are getting better the bad news is they have to order my RX and it will take like 2 weeks to get it.  Oh well I only need to see to read, drive etc.
So I get home and to my surprise my husband is cleaning!!! I thought the margaritas still have not warn off from last night I am hallucinating.  But, nope he was vacuuming and cleaning up this made Heather a very happy girl!! I asked him what he did wrong and he said nothing he just knew I would be tired and wanted to help me out!!!! AAAAAWWWWW so sweet I am such a sucker!!!
So anywho we chilled out for a few hours and then it was time to get ready for my officiant's debut!  I asked her what I should wear I don't really have many dresses or anything I am not the dressy type girl but she said something black or white and maybe summery so this is what I selected.......
I also got some awesome bling for the occasion!
So all in all it was a beautiful very small ceremony and the day turned out to be gorgeous!!

So after it was over I went back home and that is when things got really bad. I completely bombed on my diet not even sure why I was just so hungry maybe it was the sun I will blame it on the sun.  I had a burrito, a hot pocket (yeah I know uber gross right) and some M & M's peanut butter ones!! I am not even sure why I did that I felt awful and disgusting when I was done!! To top it off I didn't even freakin exercise I was so sloth like it was disgusting.  So when I woke up Sunday was still in carb and a sweets coma I decided today was going to be better I immediately did day #6 of the 30 day shred and missing one day really didn't set me back but I tell you I could tell that I missed a day.  So after that I did laundry and vegged out. 
So that was my oh so exciting weekend. I will leave you will the quote below and as I am a lover of shoes it is one I will live by!!
Love Ya Mean It!!!
Heather XOXO